07-20-06 I have decide to use the Eppler 395 design. I had some ribs manufactured out of polystyrene. They will slide onto the aluminum spar. Here is a picture of one of the ribs. 07-20-06 Rib cutting pattern.
Concept design of the wings attached.
06-02-05 I covered one ribs worth with Monokote to see how it works. I now need to apply heat to shrink tighten the fabric. Above: Front View Above: Top View 05-19-05 I set the bike against the wall and slid in the right side wing. Looks cool but still have lots of work to go. 04-21-05 Pictures of how the wings will look. There is going to be 2 spars but only one on at the time of this picture. The small wings in front are not on yet. 01-05 I purchased some wood and created a template and started cutting ribs out of Styrofoam.